Our current weather!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Most Random Post Ever

Well, another full day of work behind us, several more to go! I'm embarrassed to say that I'm (Alyssa writing) not exactly sure what everyone did today, but I think it was similar to yesterday....electrical endeavors, cleaning/organizing of a disastrous tool shed, preparing gourmet meals, fixing of small engines, perhaps a welding project or two, and flying of small airplanes.

Okay, not the plane part.

It was quite a hot and humid day, and tonight everyone seems more subdued than usual. Several members of the American group are feeling pretty sick with the whole cough/cold thing, so we're praying and hoping that they get well soon and that everyone else stays healthy!!

With nothing major to report of today, let me share a random little somthin' somethin' with you.

The driving around here is pure and utter craziness!! Just thought I'd throw that out there. A public service announcement of sorts. As many people as possible cram onto the back of a vehicle, be it a cattle truck, a Toyota half-tun, or a motor bike, each person carrying as many earthly possessions as possible. And then, with a wing and a prayer, off they go to their destination, hoping that they arrive with no casualties.

A typical ride consists of dodging children playing ball on the side of the road, swerving around rusty cars driving slowly, bouncing through potholes the size of a small canyon, and barley keeping the vehicle on two wheels as it careens around the curves. All the while, the passengers are holding on for dear life, life flashing before their eyes.

But, I hear that an auto accident is an uncommon occurrence. :-)

As a side note, a Gecko tried to kill Aimee today. In Aimee's own words: "So here I was in the cabana, and um, there was gecko on the table, and it was really gross. So I casually tried to shoe it off, you know. And um, it spazzed, started gnashing it's teeth, spewing venom and hissing at me, kinda flopped around in the air a couple times, then flung its deadly body at my face, then chased after me on the ground, til I shrieked like a little girl, with Chris and Phil sitting there laughing hysterically at my childishness. It tried to kill me, I swear! I thought I was gonna die!"

Sorry there wasn't much to post about today. Don't think the team will ever let me write on here again :-) But know that we're all doing well. Pray for restful sleep, that we'll stay healthy/safe, and that we'll be a blessing to each person we come in contact with.


  1. And she thought she was afraid of spiders!! haha thats to funny.

  2. That was a good write Alyssa!! God bless you all! Praying for good health and safety. I remember the methods of transportation you describe all to well!!Cheryl

  3. Wilma says
    Is the hot weather kinda getting to you or just not enough sleep. Should we blow some minus 30 weather toward you. Its cold here but today the temp actually got to -15. But the thermometer seems to be more comfortable around - 30 these nights. Good news its suppose to warm up in the next few days but then more snow. It seems like the snow almost doubled since you left. Its so nice to hear from all of you. When is it your turn Sheila and Christy.

  4. oh! and Shiela, you look good shovelling gravel!!

  5. Thanks for the updates! I am happy to hear that everyone is safe and staying healthy.. not to mention having a great time! God bless all of you well you bless others!


    ps. Aimee's near death experence sure sounded scary! I am thankful it didnt kill you :)

  6. Hehe I laughed Aimee. It was kinda funny. I am sure it wasn't a pleasant experience and I am sure I would have responded quite similar. As for the crazy drivers, well now I know why we are supposed to pray for safety! I hope that you all stay well and safe. Are people genereally sleeping better?

  7. So good to hear from you Alyssa :) Your posts are my FAVORITE!!! Love you and miss you and please give all those beautiful children a squeeze from me!

  8. I love when you post Alyssa! I hope they let you do it again!! Sounds like you guys are having a blast and getting lots done! Praying!

  9. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your trip. I laughed out loud as I read about the killer gecko! Praying for you guys!

  10. Hope you are all enjoying the tropical weather out there! Currently, here in Nova Scotia, we have gotten about a foot of snow since late this afternoon.
    Shovelling snow takes on a whole new meaning after these snow storms!
    May the Lord give you an amazing amount of joy and strength, as you all continue to serve!

  11. I am really enjoying reading your experiences from Haiti. Spent 3 months in Haiti about 6 years ago and I love the people. Sounds like the driving hasn't changed much....you did a great job of describing it!!! Praying for you as you continue to touch the beautiful people of Haiti!
    Angela Dueck
